Initiatives for Health Management

●We held a health fair!  

▲Standing on one leg with closed-eye. How many seconds balanced...?​

Held health fairs for the first time in three years with the aim of improving health awareness and checking the health of TPEC workers. The fair was held in the Head Office and Toyota district, and was attended by 360 people. This time, with an emphasis on physical strength checks that have declined in the corona disaster, we implemented agility and equity (reflex and balance sense), flexibility (exercise shortage discovered from unused muscles), and locomotive syndrome (assessment of falls risk based on lower leg strength and balance sense, etc.). There are many tests that use muscles that are not normally used, and some moaning could be heard in the hall, we learned about our own physical condition, which served as a good opportunity for employees to engage in health activities.

▲Two steps.Step far away in rhythm!​