Process until cars are sold

Process until cars are sold Process until cars are sold

Support each of TOYOTA’s auto manufacturing process with focusing
on production engineering (preparation for mass-production) with our digital engineering.
We will realize “ ever-better cars creation.”


We will promote Digital Twin in collaboration between technology, digital engineering and field engineering fields.


Through digital engineering expansion in Monozukuri or manufacturing, we will realize digital twin in products and processes, and strive to establish digital platforms and Monozukuri centered on CPS(Cyber Physical System) with a smart factory using 5G.

TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Support digital engineering and field engineering

We will realize digital twin of products and processes by expanding our "digital technology in manufacturing." Our goal is to make things without rework, centering on CPS(Cyber Physical System) through the construction of a digital platform (DE-PF🄬).

DIGITAL ENGINEERING Convert real life into digital data

In order to solve technological problems in automobile production engineering (mass-production preparation), we collect information in the real space (or factory) through IoT, etc., and reproduce the real space as a digital factory in cyber (or virtual) space based on transmitted data.
The realization of digital twin will enable us to simulate future changes in a factory with a digital factory and prepare for possible changes in the physical space. This is also one of TPEC’s business missions.
We will contribute to the prevention of possible problems with reproducing a real factory (or a product line) on the virtual space and carrying out various simulations.

FIELD ENGINEERING Apply digital data in real life

We will promptly start up high-quality and high-efficient production lines using digital engineering.