Toward TPEC Environmental Challenge 2050

●Aiming for real zero energy consumption and sustainable global environment

In addition to implementing company-wide energy conservation activities, TPEC worked to improve the environmental performance of the Head Office and Fukuoka Technical Center. By switching to energy-saving lighting and air-conditioning equipment, as well as by automatically controlling the indoor environment with detailed programs, we are able to achieve both "energy conservation" and "workplace environment (ensuring safety, health and comfort)."
Consequently, the head office was able to acquire "Building Energy Conservation Performance: Five Stars in BELS (highest rating) and ZEB Ready Certification." Toward achieving TPEC Environmental Challenge 2050 target of "virtually zero energy consumption," we will continue to consider and take on challenges with the participation of all employees, from various ideas and perspectives, with energy conservation and energy creation activities as the main pillars.

▶BELS: A system for evaluating and certifying the energy-saving performance of buildings based on primary energy consumption (*). (* Total of energy consumed for air conditioning, ventilation, lighting, hot water supply, etc.)
▶ZEB Ready... ZEB" aims for energy "self-sufficiency" through superior energy-saving and energy-creating technologies.=The first step toward the goal of TPEC