Initiatives for Health Management

●Recognized for seven consecutive years as a White 500 company for excellent health management

As the number of entries in this year's large-scale corporate division has increased every year to 3169 companies, we were able to obtain the certification of White 500, a health-conscious corporation, for the seventh consecutive year.
We believe that the company was highly evaluated for disclosing information outside the company on its website, etc., using lifestyle habits, obesity rate, and other health KPI based on the medium-to long-term management plan's health promotion activity targets and action plans, as well as for encouraging health promotion leaders to practice and change their mindset in their respective workplaces.
In addition, we held a Health Fair for the first time in three years, which also enabled us to check the physical strength of our employees. Going forward, we would like to see the company seriously face declines in physical strength due to limitations on activities in such areas as Covid-19 and aging, and work to improve daily activities and lifestyle habits.