Aiming for TPEC to be loved by the community

●Satsuki Matsubara Cleanup Activities

This year also marked the season for the Satsuki Matsubara cleanup.This time, activities by the members of the Direct Control and Corporate Head Office.We worked hard for about two and a half hours.It seems that the new employees interacted with senior employees in a relaxed atmosphere throughout.30 participants collected 50 bags of grass.

▲Group photo after the cleanup!

●We participated in the "Hakata Dontaku Festival" Parade again this year!

Uplifting the solidarity of the Ooai-kai (Fukuoka All Toyota Group) and going to the parade with Dontaku's famous ladle in their hands.This year, due in part to the calming down of the new Corona, the streets along the route were filled with many people, and this was the best part of participating in Dontaku.
Would you like to join us next year?

▲View of the goal line